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Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:01 PM
On the bright side to the earlier post, i received a super duper good news juz nw... HaHa... The idiotic lec i complaint abt is nt teaching us anymore!! WOO HOO!!!! HAHAHA.... the lec taking over is my previous lec who is better... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... YES!!!i heard tat he can't commit to a full time lec, cuz he gt other commitments or watever.... HaHa... YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!! My previous lec is teaching us again!! YES!~~The End~~That's all folks
Super duper unlucky day....
1:38 PM
DAMN!! today super duper unucky...
1) My driving test tml, n i today den realise my pdl has gone missing... YES, MY PDL IS MISSING!! How am i gng for test tml... haiz... n cuz of tat, i'm almost late for class.. cuz i have to go re-apply. Haiz... Tat damn uncle is so unreliable m so irresponsible. he's the one who told me to pass my pdl to the fruit stall uncle in the canteen inside ssdc, so he could go apply a new test date for me, but then, nw he told me he dun have my pdl. DAMN HIM LA!!!! n when i go re-apply, i'm so far back in the queue n i didn't even got to apply b4 i have to go... So, tml, i have to go ssdc super early in the morn to apply for my pdl, as my test is @ 11am n i have a lesson @9.30am.... so in other words, i have to be dere @ 8.30 in the morn juz to re-apply for my pdl... DAMN!!
2) Due to i'm almost late, so i no choice i have to catch a cab to school outside ssdc... n i dunno is the driver dunno how to drive or wat.. the rite way when we start to drive off we have to use gear 1 rite? but the uncle dun have lo, when driving off he straight use gear 2.. den when he subsquently change gear, the car seems like no power lo.. den i dunno la, dunno if tat the case or wat, the total meter fare is freaking $14.00!! N nt to mention there's an accident @ the highway n the jam is so massive like dunno wat la... den i noticed tat the uncle even crawling thru the jam, he used gear 3 or 4.... crazy rite? by rite we shld be using gear 1 or 2 the max max max is 3 if the jam is flowing smoothly... but no lo... the uncle drives off straight use gear 3.... weird... n nt to mention he kenna horn a couple of times.. i sit le oso scared scared..
3) I dunno y today is cut queue day or it's unlucky claire day... I kenna cut queue by 2 ppl.. is tat a coincidence or wat... 1st is in 7-eleven while i was queuing to pay, i was standing rite behind a guy n behind me have 2 or 3 more ppl queuing... den dere's this gal cut cut in front of me asking for sth regarding a drink n she straight pay $$ for her items... i saw she's like a tourist so i tot to myself, suan le ba... Den nxt, is the old chang kee nxt door.. I was queuing to buy curry puffs when dere's this malay guy juz zoomed straight into the counter n dig up some loose change n say "1 curry puff".. i was like, wat the hell is this! so i stared @ the staff @ the counter dare her to serve the guy b4 me... but den she served me 1st, den serve tat guy... lucky her... if nt i'll surely scold her de lo...
Haiz.... today really unlucky..... hope tml is my lucky day, cuz test tml.... really wanna pass the test.....
~~The End~~That's all folks
haiz... 2nd in a day
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:20 PM
Haiz, its me again... Gt nth to do so blog again... HaHa.. halfway in class.. finished my assignment, waiting for the rest..
received my assignment kit today for HOMS, n PPFM i received yesterday. WTH, the lec oso never brief on the assignment la, den only write the topic on the board, no kit even... N guess wat, one of the topic is referencing.. which means we have to proper the reference we used to complete our assignment.. so, guess wat, tat topic is 10 fucking marks when all other subject i've done last semester only carry 5 marks, inc this HOMS as well... Stupid rite.. only referencing wor... only 1 or 2 max 3 lines n it carrys 10 fucking marks.... Haiz..... Watever la... Haiz... Oso can't change anything la.... Haiz...
this time round, my HOMS practical is individual.. HaHa... super la! Cuz lec scared le.. last time for the grp presentation n he assign the grp for us, den we done like super duper poor la, so he say dis time round, practical individual.. HaHa.. Anyway, i oso can't tink of anything in dis class for grp practical lor, cuz is all on the PMS system ma... How to be in a grp? it's all individual work ma... Even go to hotel, u take reservation or check-in a guest n settling a bill, u dun see 2 or 3 ppl working on 1 guest rite... HaHa.. Anyway, dis time the practical carry 70% of the total marks, while the report is only 30%.. HaHa.. cuz dis course is all on the system, how to operate n stuffs, purely pratical, oso nt to be written.. HaHa..
On the other hand, PPFM, pratical carrys only 30% while the essay report carrys 70%... Haiz.... Sian lor.... URGH!!
Right, gng for a break nw... HaHa.. maybe blog again later.... :P HaHa
~~The End~~That's all folks
1:35 PM
Hi, here i am again blogging.. Haha.. a lame opening... Haha.. Well, nth interesting.. yesterday made a bed during practical.
A little interesting, juz a tiny bit.. Can be better.. Y? u ask, cuz the idiotic asshole keeps interrupting here n dere where i noe wat r the steps!!!! Everytime i go to nxt step, he'll come n interrupt... I understand he's doin tat cuz we're 1st time doin it, but den i didnt say i have a prob.. if i have a prob, i'll surely ask for help, but den i dun have!!!! How i wish i can ask the idiot to FUCK OFF!!! Haha.... :P
Nw i have a serious dilemma.. Hope u guys can give me some ideas..
The prob is well, i would like to learn culinary skills n i have found a great school which treats culinary skills as an art instead of juz cooking. I gt to noe the school frm my lec n he says tat is a really great school. But tat school's campus is located in places like sydney, london, paris, etc. Den when i serve their website for more info, i found a course i love to join. It's Patisserie Diploma. It's a course where u'll learn various types of pastries like tarts, scones, cakes, etc. Nt only tat, it also teaches u the art of choco n sugar.. Sugar as in how to make sugar art.. HaHa.. Tat is a really interesting course. N it's available in Paris, London, Ottawa, Kobe and Tokyo... I've checked all the prices, n london campus offer the best rate, considering the amt after converting to SGD.. London campus de is the cheapest. SGD$28,000+++. So if i really do go ahead to study tat, i'll definately need to take up a study loan. HaHa..
The other prob is.. Well, should i continue the Higher dip for my exsisting course tat is Tourism and Hospitality Mgmt. Well, i mean, if i'm gonna take the Patisserie Dip, why should i take up the higher dip, rite? i can juz finish wif my dip in THM n go ahead wif the patisserie dip in london... rite?? or should i finish wif my higher dip den go to the patisserie dip? what shld i choose? I'm having a bad headache nw wif all the dilemma... Haiz...
Also, another prob is.... I WANNA GO TAIWAN WIF JAN N JO!!!!!! HaHa... How.... but i no enough $$$ to go wif them.... Their min budget is $3,000 for the trip alone... So how?!?!?! I really wanna go... this is the chance to actually leave SG n take a plane if 'em n w/o adults watching after us.... dis is the chance to actually ENJOY a trip overseas..... HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
~~The End~~That's all folks!
Here i am again.....
Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:44 PM
Here i am again juz 2 days after my last post.. haha.. yes, i'm having the computer lesson again. today i wanna talk abt an idiotic asshole tat is my lecturer.
i sya he's an idiotic asshole cuz i really can't stand him. u see, he treats us adults like some primary school students! he made us read out the words in the slides, ask us a lot of stupid n nt to mention lame qns where he pratically say the answer out. Nt only tat, he ends his every sentence with "OK! Alright!" n when he's stuck, he juz said tat 2 words n tat's it!! he didn't even care to continue explaining. i couldnt even understand a word he said..
nt only tat, the very 1st lesson wif him, the very 1st thing he said is, he's very strict wif the rules, n he even said his rules out n he expects everyone to follow. it was tat time when i really felt he sucks!! where gt such lecturers de? wa lao! even in sec school our teachers dun even do tat lor... who does he tink we are? bunch of primary 1 kids? MY GOODNESS!!!!
Nt only tat, he arrange classroom to his liking.. our schedule specifically said which building we gng to cuz dere's 2 buildings holding our school's classroom. So our schedule have to specify which building we go to.... N den he anyhow change the building n when i go to the specified building, i couldnt locate the classroom. den we have to go to the nxt building to check... u noe wat, this made us waste our precious time when we could be on time, in the end, we're late.....
So tat day, i'm very bo song(bu shuang), den during break time, i asked my sis to delay our return n we went to eat kfc in funan.. HaHa... u noe wat, when he gave us breaks, it's always 10 mins or less n he even WROTE DOWN the time tat we're supposed to return.. where gt such lecturers? Damn him... So tat day our break is as usual 10 mins, n the building we're in is 2 blocks down frm funan, where our usual building is only 1 block frm funan, so we purposely walked down to funan n we purposely sat down dere n eat kfc.. HaHa... when we gt back, we're like 20mins late frm the time he specified.. HaHa.. N den, the nxt day i realise, he went to complain abt us.. Nt us specifically, but our class, but we're the only one late, so i knew he's complaining abt us... tattertale he is isnt it? We havent even complain to our other lecturers n he gt a head start!! DAMN HIM!!
Nt only tat, another reason y i dun understand wat he's talking abt is cuz he gt kou chi (stutter). N very serious one tat is.... Machine he said as Ma..a..a..........chine, Cleaning he said as Cl...l...ean...ean...ing...... HaHaHaHa.... me n my sis kept giggling @ his speech thruout the lesson..... HaHaHa.....
~~The End~~~~That's all folks!~~
ohh hoo
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:46 PM
Ohh Hoo!!!!!! super duper long time no posting le... Haha...
Well, here i am in school using school computer attending one of my subject which require a software... the time nw is 1.50pm and the lesson has not starte yet, thus here i am writing this... haHa....
Well, one of the reasons i did not blog is tat my precious lappie is old and having temper. 1 minute it can be very good and the next it's throwing a tantrum.. and the other reason being, i'm too lazy to even log into my blogger to blog.. HaHaHaHaHa.... :P
Nth major happening to me during this period when i didn't blog. Well, i'm actually eagerly looking fwd to Aug 22 when i finally be able to leave the hse for 3 days to go to chalet. And guess wat, i've already disucss the menu wif jan n jo le... Wahaha.... Below is the menu:
FridaySalad. Soup, Main course and dessert
Saturday MorningToast, Egg Mayo, Soup, Sandwich
DinnerUsual BBQ menu
HaHaHa... Sound yummy ya? I even went to purchase a book on BBQ and search on the web on the ways of marinating... HaHa.. I tink this time round de BBQ will be very tasty... HaHaHa... :P
Also there's another thing that i'm very looking fwd to.... Tat is............... Batam trip in SEPT!! YES!! Another time tat i can leave my home and this time for 4 days!! HaHa.... sounds super to me..... HaHa....
Btw, the time nw is 2pm.... yet the class havent start..... if nt y do u tink i'm still here blogging.... HaHa.... alrite.... nth else, i'm signing out...
~~That's all folks!!~~